These plants love moist to wet areas.  You can also attract wildlife with these moisture lovers!  Here are a few of the many great varieties we have to offer...

*Please contact us to find out more about our current availability*


Gives you an instant tropical feel with their showy, large & often-veined leaves that come in bold, flashy colors. Beautiful plants just for their foliage but they also do produce colorful flowers in the summer. Very heat tolerant. Treated as an annual in our PNW climate, need to be over-wintered in a greenhouse, garage, etc.

There are many varieties within this type of plant

Common Cattails

A unique, large marsh plant. It is best recognized by its large, cylindrical, brown spikes of female flowers from which it gets its name.



Also commonly known as Taro or Elephant Ear, they are great tropical plants suited to be grown as annuals in our PNW climate. The huge, unique leaves are a showstopper in any garden. Some Colocasia tend to spread by runners, while others remain as a clump. According to the Humane Society of America, Colocasia plants can be toxic to pets. This is means that the plants are generally identified as having the capability for producing a toxic reaction.

There are many varieties within this type of plant

Fairy Moss

Also known as Azolla, it adds a soft, delicate touch to your water garden. Koi love to nibble on its soft, fuzzy foliage & because it floats on the surface, it shades the water, helping to reduce algae growth. Has a colorful fall leaf display too, which is a great bonus. Treated as an annual in our PNW climate.



Also commonly known as Dinosaur Food, it has deeply-lobed leaves that can get huge! A prehistoric-looking plant that easily fills in large empty spaces & thrives in boggy conditions where other plants’ roots might drown.

Hardy Waterlilies

One of the most popular water plants that produce stunning blooms from late Spring and into early Autumn - available in a range of colors. Most hardy water lilies are perennials in zones 3-10. Provides shade which provides protection for fish & helps to reduce algae growth. Treated as an annual in our PNW climate.



Also known as Hardy Flowering Ginger, it has tall stems with long leaves & stunning, lightly fragrant flower clusters - they bloom in late summer & fall. Hummingbirds and butterflies love them! Treated as an annual in our PNW climate.


Also commonly known as Frog Bit, it is a popular floating plant. Has fine, long, decorative roots that provide protection to fish that gravitate towards the surface. If there are enough nutrients in the water and the light intensity is good, new leaves will appear above the water surface.


Water Hawthorne

An attractive water plant that grows from a small bulb & prefers cool water. Its dark green leaves float on the surface & it blooms profusely in spring and fall with unusual, white, vanilla scented flowers. This plant will go dormant during the summer months, so don't accidentally discard it as it will bloom again in fall. An excellent choice for shady ponds & will tolerate slowly moving water. Treated as an annual in our PNW climate.

Water Hyacinths

One of the showiest water plants, it is beautiful but can be destructive in the wrong environment. Produces rosettes of foliage the flower stalks rise above with many stunning flowers - that make great cut flowers too. They require no special care, except occasional thinning to keep them from choking out everything else in the pond.

Check out other Perennials, HERE

*Our availability is constantly changing, so contact us to find out more detailed information*


If for some reason you can't find what you're looking for in our stock, you can order directly from Monrovia & have it shipped here to the nursery for FREE!