Baby It’s Cold Outside

Get ready for another short arctic blast.  Temps will drop into the teens tonight through possibly Thursday and just to be on the safe side gardeners should cover any newly planted perennials like primroses and pansies and hellebores and broadleaf evergreens like camellias and Mexican orange and winter Daphne.  Hopefully this should be the last significant cold event of the winter.  Frost blankets made of Reemay work well but plastic and even old wool blankets will also help.  While we are fresh out of old wool blankets we do have a good supply of Reemay.  And remember that you can also use it to protect those early plantings of veggies. 

The Flower and Garden Show starts this Wednesday and runs through Sunday.  Since it is too darn cold to work in the yard this is a perfect time to do some dreaming and scheming at this 26th annual event which in case you didn’t know is the second largest garden show in the country.  You can buy tickets either at the show, online or at several retail locations like ours.  I have attended every single show and never been disappointed.  There is stuff to buy, seminars to attend and fabulous display gardens to enjoy.  The missus and I always spend a couple of nights in town and try to take in a show at the 5th or spend a whacky evening at Teatro Zinzanni.  Whether you go down for the day or purchase a multiple day pass I guarantee you will get your money’s worth. 

Educational opportunity:  speaking of money’s worth, our winter classes have been very well attended so we must be doing something right!  Coming up this Saturday is an hourclass on growing berries and other small fruits like currants, grapes and kiwis.  You will learn all the ins and outs of growing these yummy and nutritious fruits and like all of our classes, attendees will receive a 20% discount that day only on the purchase of all berry plants and related necessities like fertilizer and compost.  This alone is worth the price of admission which I should remind you is free!  Who ever said there was no such thing as a free lunch? 

New hours:  as the days get longer so do our hours.  We will now be open from 10am until 5pm every day except Sundays when we close at 4pm.  Next time change will occur when we go back on Daylight Savings and we will start opening at 9:30am and closing at 6pm.  I know it can be difficult to get here after work but I am sure the boss will understand if you cut out early once in a while.  Just tell him you have an appointment with your horticultural therapist and it should be no problem. 

New products:  there is not a day that goes by this month that we won’t receive something new and exciting.  It could be a new and groovy conifer and a special perennial or some kind of “can’t live without” tool but you can be assured that every trip to the garden center in the month of February will be new and different.  Don’t be shy!  Come share your gardening experiences with us.  We want to hear about your successes and failures and your plans for the season.  Come Garden With Us! is more than just a motto for us, it’s a passion. 

Finally, don’t miss our February newsletter which will be arriving in your inbox this Wednesday.  It will have our classes for the entire month plus more pearls of wisdom from yours truly.  Feel free to forward it to your gardening friends so they can be as successful as you are. 

Steve Smith is owner of Sunnyside Nursery in Marysville and can be reached at the nursery at 425-334-2002 or email at