Happy Mother's Day

As we head into May it is time for an extra special holiday, Mother’s Day - the day we celebrate Moms everywhere.  This day was set aside to honor perhaps the most important person in each of our lives in 1914, after years of lobbying from social activist Anna Jarvis - a truly wise decision by former President Woodrow Wilson.  Keep in mind that this day is not only meant to honor an individual’s mother, but also the maternal bond, a mother’s influence across society, and motherhood in all aspects.  The power of a “Mom” is unmatched, and I think we would all admit without the grace, focus, nurturing, wisdom, values, and sacrifices of our own Moms, we would not be the individuals we are today.  This of course rings true for the Mothers of our children as well, so let us all go ahead and spoil all Mothers, with every flower and other garden goodie she desires!

We are just now getting warm enough nighttime temperatures to start adding most of the annual color we all crave; including hanging baskets and seasonal containers to adorn our porches, decks, and entryways.  I have been running garden centers for over 30 years now and every year, without exception, the shopping spree starts with annuals, hanging baskets and colorful containers for Mom.  Whether she likes to pick out her own flowers and have you help her plant them, or she prefers to grab something planted already that catches her eye, this is phase one of making Mom happy.  For shady sites, look for ever popular Fuchsia or Begonia baskets, or for hot sunny locales try Ivy Geraniums, a mixed sun basket, or some Million Bells (Calibrachoa), which will always make her feel like a million bucks.  Want some extra brownie points?  Get her some quality water-soluble fertilizer like ‘Sea Grow' to keep her new annual plants thriving and blooming strong throughout the summer into fall.  Want some chocolate brownie points?  Grab some Chocolate Cosmos, as I do for my wife.  These are fun annuals that sport burgundy blooms and fill the air with the smell of chocolate all summer long.  I mean seriously, not many women don’t like chocolate right?

Almost all Moms like annuals, hanging baskets, and blooming planters, but there are plenty of other options she would surely appreciate as well.  Over the years I have seen many other plants remain popular as gifts, as well as products like fun statuary, benches, bird baths, wind spinners, glazed pottery, and even fountains.  The official flower of Mother’s Day is the Carnation (Dianthus sp.), a useful and long-blooming fragrant perennial (they are even blooming this time of year in the garden center).  For some other suggestions on easy and enjoyable plants, here are some that are sure to please the Mother(s) in your life…

Lilacs:  Almost all Lilacs are in bloom now in various sizes and colors, offering intoxicating fragrance for sunny garden locations.  To me, there are Lilac “trees” or there are Lilac “shrubs”.  Traditional French Lilacs (Syringa vulgaris) grow large like a tree, and then there are great dwarf, shrubbier selections to explore, like ‘Little Lady’, ‘Little Darling’, ‘Red Pixie’ or ‘Dream Cloud’.  There are even Lilacs available that repeat flower again in late summer to fall, like the Bloomerang Series from Proven Winners, which is sure to catch her eye and nose twice a year.  Either way, the nostalgia of old-fashioned Lilacs are always a favorite for Moms everywhere.

Roses:  Simply put, there is no longer flowering shrub option for the sunny garden than a rose.  Most of them are about to start blooming in May and, when fed and properly cared for, will continue to bloom throughout the summer until frost.  You can pick out Mom’s favorite color and fragrance, as rose cultivars are both varied and plentiful.  From David Austin Roses to Hybrid Teas to Grandifloras to Floribundas to Climbers and even simple, lower maintenance shrub type roses, there are useful varieties for everyone.  Why buy Mom a bouquet of roses when she can cut and enjoy her own all summer long?

Peonies:  These heirloom perennials have graced our gardens for centuries, offering us flowers with bold color and often fragrance.  The selection of Peonies at the garden center is maximum right now and you can see many in bloom, which will help you find the perfect one.  Consider your options on these as both herbaceous/cottage type peonies and, my personal favorite, Itoh Peonies can be found.  Itoh Peonies are simply spectacular, boasting large tree peony-like flowers and excellent foliage.  Their flowers change colors as they age, and they display some cool seeds when they are done blooming.  With Itoh Peonies, you can even find your Mom a coveted, true yellow peony flower!

Hydrangeas:  Hydrangeas offer supreme flower power in sun or shade, depending on the variety.  They are just starting to bud in May, and most will bloom the entire summer until frost.  Mom may like the larger, cone-shaped flowers in shades of white to pink to red – those are the PG type Hydrangeas and love sunny garden spots.  Traditional rounded mophead or lacecap type Hydrangeas like a little more shade and will bloom mainly in shades of blue to purple in our acidic soils.  Like the roses above, this is another no brainer when it comes to long season of bloom in the garden.  There are so many good ones out there (which we will dive into in another article) so be sure to ask at the garden center if your choice is a repeat bloomer, as some will continue to bloom all season long on old and new wood for maximum flower power.

Dogwoods:  Mom can certainly have any tree she likes, but if you are looking for a suggestion, consider going with a Dogwood.  These sturdy, late-spring bloomers are stunning in flower and offer nice fall color as well.  Explore your options with Dogwoods as there will be many to choose from at the garden center.  From classic pinks to bright whites, there are many with specific growth habits and blooms to add to the garden.  Around here you will see some American/Eastern Dogwood (Cornus florida), some great disease resistant hybrids like the Rutgers Series, and a bunch of good Korean Dogwood (Cornus kousa) cultivars that bloom a little later and offer superior disease resistance.  This is another topic we will delve into at a later date as well.

This time of year always brings a smile to my face as we celebrate all things Mom.  April showers have brought us many May flowers once again and gardens are popping with color everywhere.  Mother’s Day represents the peak of the busy spring season at the garden center, but more importantly it gives all of us children, young and old, a chance to honor the most special person in our lives with some fabulous plants.  I encourage all of you to go to your local garden center with the mother(s) in your life soon, gaze upon all the gardening treasures and buy her anything and everything she likes.  After all, she has been and always will be worth it!