fall foliage

50 Shade Of Yellow - The Sequel

50 Shade Of Yellow - The Sequel

It should be no surprise that in the last few weeks of the year I would take one more opportunity to promote the allure and value of golden foliaged plants.  As we move into the dark months of the year, these beacons of light become absolutely essential in keeping our interest in the garden.  This hit home for me the other day as I…

Fatsia Japonica: a versatile evergreen shrub for the northwest

Fatsia Japonica: a versatile evergreen shrub for the northwest

When you are a plant nerd like me, there is no end to the list of plants that fall into the category of “most favorite”.  There are many characteristics that can make a plant qualify for that most coveted classification, such as….

The Magic Of Fall Colors

The Magic Of Fall Colors

Albert Camus, the French philosopher that developed Absurdism once said: “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”  While Albert didn’t attach any meaning to this annual event (since according to Albert everything is meaningless), at least he recognized that fall color is a pleasant experience that reminds us of…