rose of sharon

These Late-Blooming Shrubs Are Worth Waiting For!

These Late-Blooming Shrubs Are Worth Waiting For!

August can feel like a long time to wait for a some plants to finally put forth flowers, all while the rest of the garden might be blooming its head off.  On the other hand, by the time we get to August, our gardens can conceivably start to look kind of tired and bedraggled, and having a few plants that are just coming into bloom can be a very good thing.  I have often said that in the Pacific Northwest you can find a plant blooming every day of the year…

2021 - The Year Of The Hardy Hibiscus

2021 - The Year Of The Hardy Hibiscus

Due to the National Gardening Bureau declaring 2021 the Year of the Hardy Hibiscus, I find myself back once again visiting these reliable and late blooming perennial and shrubby plants. For color well into the end of summer, they are hard to beat. Let’s start with the perennial form first…