
Pick Up Your Spirits With These Indoor Blooming Bulbs

Pick Up Your Spirits With These Indoor Blooming Bulbs

For those of us that miss the pleasures of gardening this time of year, growing things inside the house can be a good substitute. Forcing bulbs like Paperwhites and Amaryllis can help us fill a need to be grounded in nature and can uplift any soul mired in the gray doldrums of a northwest winter…

Houseplants: More Choices Than Ever

Houseplants:  More Choices Than Ever

The year was 1970 and I was just about to graduate from college with a degree in plant science. One of my job options was to go to work in Leucadia or Encinitas, California for one of the many foliage companies where plants like Spider Plants, Boston Ivy, Snake Plants, Aglaonema, and Prayer Plants, to name just a few, were propagated by the millions. These plants were sold all over the country to customers much like myself, young and idealistic and wanting to make the world a more loving place to inhabit…

Time To Move Those Houseplants Back Inside

Time To Move Those Houseplants Back Inside

A lot of gardeners wisely move some of their houseplants outside during the summer to give them better light and fresher air. It is a tricky thing to do because light conditions inside our homes are always much more reduced than even the shadiest location in our gardens. Leaves that have been grown inside our homes have thinner cuticles and are consequently more susceptible to sunburn when moved outside. By taking special care to acclimate them, by first placing them in full shade and gradually moving them into sunnier places in the garden, we can usually be successful. That being said, now it is time to reverse this ordeal and bring those little friends back inside and try to keep them happy for the rest of the winter. Here are a few things to consider in this process:

A Few Surefire Ways To Bring Some Color Inside This Winter

A Few Surefire Ways To Bring Some Color Inside This Winter

As the temperatures continue to drop, along with all those leaves on our deciduous trees, we are pretty much left with just shades of green in our gardens to look at throughout the winter.  There are, of course, quite a few winter-blooming perennials and shrubs that can add some winter interest to our gardens, but as far as bouquets or vases of blooms, the pickins are slim.  For those of us that experience color starvation, here are some ideas…