
Time To Plant Summer-Blooming Bulbs

Time To Plant Summer-Blooming Bulbs

Summer-blooming bulbs, like Lilies, Dahlias and Gladiolus (to name just a few), have a very warm spot in my heart.  I have fond memories as a child of planting Glads and coming home from school every day to check their progress, feeling the stems for potential flower buds, until finally they would emerge into their glorious colors.  It was absolute magic for a youngster such as myself.  You too can experience those same feelings (no matter what your age), simply by…

Lessons From The Garden

Lessons From The Garden

I am feeling a bit philosophical today, so bear with me.  Last week I finally bit the bullet and got into the garden for my spring cleanup.  I had purposely left everything in the fall to die back naturally, as normally happens in nature.  In retrospect, I think it was a good idea as it provided lots of visual interest throughout the entire winter.  But alas, the time has come to remove the dead and rotting foliage from my perennials and evaluate just exactly what survived and what needed to be replaced.  Here is what I learned…

Why Am I Still Wearing A Turtleneck?

Why Am I Still Wearing A Turtleneck?

It was 17 years ago in early June when I wrote a column entitled “Are you cranky too?”. It started out like this: “WARNING: Nothing in this week’s column is of horticultural value. The reason is because I am in a totally cranky mood. You might be feeling the same too…

Some Undeniable Signs That Spring Is In The Air

Some Undeniable Signs That Spring Is In The Air

I think we all know that the road to spring is never a straight line. Once we pass the winter solstice in December, the days do indeed get longer and longer with increasing periods of sunshine and warmer temperatures. But along that path there are constant detours and a few potholes to navigate…

Pick Up Your Spirits With These Indoor Blooming Bulbs

Pick Up Your Spirits With These Indoor Blooming Bulbs

For those of us that miss the pleasures of gardening this time of year, growing things inside the house can be a good substitute. Forcing bulbs like Paperwhites and Amaryllis can help us fill a need to be grounded in nature and can uplift any soul mired in the gray doldrums of a northwest winter…

Now Is The Time To Plant Bulbs

Now Is The Time To Plant Bulbs

I decided it would be fun to add a few varieties of bulbs to my garden… But instead of the packaged varieties that sit on our retail shelves, I elected to look at the “landscape” list which consists of varieties sold in units of 100’s and even a few of 250 each. By the time my wife and I narrowed down our choices, we had ordered no less than 2500 bulbs…

October In The Garden

October In The Garden

In my world, September always feels like a continuation of summer, whereas October puts me in the mood for fall. Shrubs and trees are starting to really color up, everywhere you look retailers are displaying mums and pumpkins (not to mention Halloween candy)…

Vacation Is Over, Time To Get Back To Work

Vacation Is Over, Time To Get Back To Work

In a normal time, all of us would be sending our kids back to school and returning to the office to our routines, but we all know these are not normal times…