
Snippin' And Clippin'

Snippin' And Clippin'

If your garden is anything like mine, then you are probably busy watering, staking, checking for bugs and diseases, harvesting veggies and fruits and bouquets of flowers, and planting - at least those are the things that we all should be doing in August if we want to call ourselves gardeners.  I don’t think anyone ever manages to accomplish all the gardening chores they set out to do, but we should at least give it the old college try.  Just for fun, here are some of the things I have been doing in my garden…

Getting The Most Out Of Your Veggie Garden

Getting The Most Out Of Your Veggie Garden

When you have been gardening for over 60 years, like I have, you see a lot of trends and fads come and go.  A recent trip down memory lane jogged a few for me around the subject of growing vegetables.  Two that I remember well are French Intensive Gardening (or Biodynamic Gardening), and Square Foot Gardening.  Here’s a little background…  

March Madness (In The Garden!)

March Madness (In The Garden!)

I know it is still bloody cold outside, but Mother Nature waits for no one.  Think of March as the fourth quarter in the game of gardening and it is time to score some points.  Here is a game plan that will help you win and go on to a victory over that evil opponent, Winter…

Recess Is Over, It’s Time For Action

Recess Is Over, It’s Time For Action

After this last hard freeze, I am hoping that the worst is behind us and we can confidently get out into the garden and whip things back into shape.  While I realize February is still technically winter, it is also the beginning of spring for north westerners, and there is much to do before the actual spring season arrives.  Here are some timely tasks to consider…

Some Tips For A Successful Veggie Garden

Some Tips For A Successful Veggie Garden

Over the last two years, during this gawd-awful pandemic, garden centers have seen a huge increase in sales of vegetable growing supplies. A lot of people either got into veggie gardening for the first time or simply upped their game due to the extra time they had on their hands, with nowhere to go. For me personally…

October In The Garden

October In The Garden

In my world, September always feels like a continuation of summer, whereas October puts me in the mood for fall. Shrubs and trees are starting to really color up, everywhere you look retailers are displaying mums and pumpkins (not to mention Halloween candy)…

Vacation Is Over, Time To Get Back To Work

Vacation Is Over, Time To Get Back To Work

In a normal time, all of us would be sending our kids back to school and returning to the office to our routines, but we all know these are not normal times…